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PSI – Diversity Mission Statement

The Paul Scherrer Institute PSI is the largest research institute for natural and engineering sciences in Switzerland. It aspires to be world-famous not only for its cutting-edge research, but also for its inclusion policies and respect culture. For the newly created mission statement "Diversity", we created a suitable animation video that explains and promotes the content of the mission statement inside and outside PSI.

In doing so, we deliberately refrain from showing real people in order to avoid falling into stereotypes. Everything is represented only with simple shapes (circles, squares, triangles), symbolic of atoms and molecules that PSI researchers have to deal with every day. Through the modern, dynamic and at the same time playful look we do justice to keywords like "cutting edge", diversity and respect.​​​​​​​
R&D - Various style frames from the development of the look and the figures.
Client: PSI – Paul Scherrer Institut
Vaudeville Studios: script, look, design, animation, compositing
PSI – Diversity Mission Statement


PSI – Diversity Mission Statement
