Clay, Alchemy
Personal Research 2016 - Today​​​​​​​

In recent years I have been exploring the value of matter, knowing what kind of clays provide which properties, and knowing how far to push earth's values under fire... 
properly more than ceramics I could call it an alchemy job...

From 1050ºC, 1150ºC to 1250ºC, I have composed high-quality clays with clays from the central region of Mexico, Mexican Pink Kaolin, and Kaolin from Asia.

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The alchemical process is very interesting, since certain clays behave in 
a particular way when applying fire in a quite particular way, 
the burning process is not only about taking the oven to a certain temperature, it is about knowing when to apply fire to obtain certain results, that is the magic of the alchemical process of ceramics

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Alchemy Research


Alchemy Research
