Michael Lombardis profil

Pinheads - Rock Your Button Off!

Pinheads - rock your button off!
An Android app developed to create brand awareness at festivals and trade shows.  Pinheads is an experiential marketing activation that uses the front facing device’s camera as a virtual mirror.  Guests swipe between a variety of rockstar overlays and attempt to line up their face in real time.  When satisfied, the guest snaps the photo and receives a physical button and a digital copy to share on social media.  Guests typically wear the button around the event thus driving more traffic to the brand’s booth.
Product Concept, UX/UI design, Concept Art, Asset Production, White Paper, Wire Frames, Pitch to Client
Pinheads - Rock Your Button Off!

Pinheads - Rock Your Button Off!

An Android App that puts your face on a Rock Star and then on a button.
