Perfil de Cassio FerreiraPerfil de Filipe Motta



The design of the initiative to develop a free typeface for application in the signaling system of the Federal University of Espírito Santo. The project team, led by Professor Ricardo Esteves Gomes, was composed by students of Industrial Design Ana Quinelato, Brenno Mello, Cassio Ferreira, Filipe Motta and Myriam Fabris. 
This project is derived from a concrete demand management UFES to revise signaling campuses. Thus, the development of digital printing in this case is an element in a larger project. 
At the end, it was intended to have a product which becomes immaterial for application to signaling campuses public property, directly benefiting the academic community in the use of public space and, indirectly, the external community, with the creation of a new public resource for possible use in other design projects of similar nature.

Initially , a theoretical study was conducted , seeking to find guidelines for the construction of a typeface for signage . Such guidelines authors found support in dealing specifically with type design ,
Then sought to identify some typefaces used in signaling systems for public spaces , taking as initial references Johnston Underground , Gill Sans , Univers , Helvetica and Frutiger fonts 

Starting from theoretical guidelines, we selected some free typefaces, being chosen family sans roboto to be the starting point of development.
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Project developed in extension project design types for signaling the Federal University of Espirito Santo.

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