In the holy spirit of The Insight
At The Alternative School for Creative Thinking I teamed up with my best friend and partner in crime Cristina Ungurean to challenge our creative minds and sleepy heads. Our first assignment was to create a concept for our imaginary team.​​​​​​​
The second assignment was to create an integrated campaign strategy to promote the launching of Atelier Nevers by MBQ, a social entrepreneurship dedicated to saving and preserving the rromani traditions of jewellery making.
The context
In the past, the Roma community was forbidden to speak the Romani language or to craft its art
 due to forced assimilation.
 Nowadays, only 54% of Roma people in Romania
 speak their native language.

What if
Instead of only promoting the workshop, 
we launch a campaign which would motivate
 artists to join for a bigger cause.
The talking jewellery
The Idea
Crafting and wearing the jewellery becomes
 a statement reinforcing that every nation 
 has the right to speak its language and craft
 its art in order to preserve what’s most 
 precious — its culture.

The journey
Aspiring artists are invited to join the
 workshop and craft unique jewellery pieces 
 with Romani words on them. The creations are exhibited at The Talking Jewellery exhibition, open for the broad public.
 A dedicated app, called Razumiv*, would 
 translate and pronounce the words. The guests are invited to support the
 cause by buying and wearing the jewellery, thus becoming campaign ambassadors.The profits would go for supporting

a Romani author to publish a children’s
 book, which would further promote the language.

*Razumiv — meaning ‘I understand’ in Romani language
The result
The workshop becomes a platform for cherishing
 and preserving the Romani language, while the 
artist become activists.
 All the jewellery created during the campaign becomes a manifesto which can be worn. 

For the final assignment we were asked to create a campaign for an authentic Romanian beer named Bârlog, aspiring to get appealing to the Gen Z people.
The challenge
Gen Z is known as the generation with 
 an inherent preoccupation for health, thus, the consumption of alcohol is less 
attractive to them.
 That’s why, the best way to connect them 
 to our brand is not by promoting the beer
 itself, but by creating a meaningful cause
 to resonate with and support.

The context
Being the first digitally native generation, 
 they are open minded to diversity. 
Meanwhile in the society, topics like race, gender, identity, orientation or disability
 are still covered in shame or stigma.

The idea
We start an open conversation,
 meaning to give voice to diverse
 stories, using our own product.
One of the campaign ingredients is the Seen or Sin tags, delimitating two types of stories. Seen — when one felt seen 
and supported.
 Sin— when one felt condemned or rejected.
 The goal is to make everyone
 question their own beliefs and approach on the topic of diversity.
The real support
A part of revenue from selling the
 special edition Bârlog, will go for 
 supporting a local ONG working on 
the subject of diversity and inclusion.

The result
We reinforce Barlog’s core values by opening a conversation about diversity, 
with the purpose to question the public perception.
 Our product becomes a scene for speaking up, and buying it becomes
 an act of support.
 That’s how we connect Gen Z to the 
brand in a meaningful way, with the potential to build a long term relationship.
Blessed be those who read to the end
The Holy Insight


The Holy Insight


Sectores creativos