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The effects of sleep deprivation on our body

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Your Body.

1: Dropped cognitive function: Lack of sleep can lead to difficulty concentrating, braked response time, and bloodied memory. You may struggle to make opinions, break problems, or retain new information when you are sleep deprived. dropped physical performance Your body needs sleep to repair and regenerate cells.
2: When you do not get enough sleep, your physical performance can suffer. You may feel more fatigued and have lower energy to complete tasks or exercises. Increased Threat of accidents Sleep privation can affect your collaboration and judgment, which can increase your threat of accidents. For illustration, drowsy driving is a major cause of auto accidents and losses. Weakened vulnerable system Sleep is important for a healthy vulnerable system. When you do not get enough sleep, you may be more susceptible to getting sick...... Learn more
The effects of sleep deprivation on our body


The effects of sleep deprivation on our body


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