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Adams Supplements

ADAMS Supplements

The food supplements category is a very distinct one, very fragmented between the multiple options of products and brands, available in various offline and online sales channels, and, at the same time, somewhat reserved and traditional in terms of buying and consumption habits.  

In this complex and perhaps still difficult to decipher market landscape, the Adams Supplements brand needs a new approach to gain a foothold beyond the familiar shelves of the retail network owned by the mother company, Adams Vision, where there’s a bigger possibility to access new consumer segments, but also a much stronger competition.
Business challenge

Adams Supplements’ evolution until now has been largely influenced by opportunities provided by either production, distribution or commercial terms, not benefitting from a very clear portfolio strategy and brand message, or a consistent identity. This is also the reason why the founder of the business considers that Adams’ image is outdated, too "colorful", not connected with the trends of the category. Feeling that the lack of relevant visual positioning poses a threat to the business, in a category where consumers tend to become better informed about their options and choices, he saw the need for a rebranding to continue to harness the potential offered by the growing market.
Strategic approach

We started the process with some sales and qualitative data related to the category that we obtained from discussions with Adams’ management, but also with a few indications regarding the desired direction of brand development in terms of portfolio, positioning, packaging design. Therefore, we wanted first of all to understand the category, the factors that influence its evolution, who it is and what the competition promises, but especially to find out who the consumer is, what is his perception of the category and the options that it is currently offering him. Subsequently, we used all these insights to build the arguments for the positioning recommendations and concepts proposed for the logo and packaging design, which opened a slightly different perspective for the client than the one he started the project with.
Branding solution

The Adams consumer

Our first thought always goes to the consumer when we are dealing with a product brand. He is best able to give us answers to all the questions that are essential for brand development. So, through a series of in-depth interviews with different types of consumers, we set out to find out who he is, what his needs and expectations are, what motivations or barriers determine his buying and consumption behavior, to identify that segment to whom Adams can promise something truly valuable, which he doesn’t feel he is presently getting elsewhere.
Brand idea

Discovering the needs and benefits expected by the consumer both functionally and emotionally,
the next step was to see if and how the brands in the category respond to them, at least at the declarative level, analyzing the messages they use in communication. In this way, we were able to identify the positioning area where Adams could come up with a relevant and credible promise,
and this led to the brand idea expressed through the tagline, Your source of balance.
Brand platform

Once the consumer profile and brand idea were established, we formulated the Adams credo around them and defined the brand personality, exemplifying its tone of voice through different types of messages, in order to create the positioning framework that will underlie the identity and brand communication in the future.
Visual identity

The new visual identity supports the brand idea by achieving a balance between the natural character of the supplements and the pharmaceutical precision. This balance is visible in the created symbol, which represents a generic leaf, composed of clearly constructed geometric shapes. We have attached to this symbol a simple and exact wordmark, using the silver color to emphasize the prowess and rigor in terms of product quality. The rules for aligning and composing the identity have been carefully detailed in the brand guide we developed.
Packaging design

Using the precise, exact visual style and sharp wordmark angles, we built Adams’ own particular packaging architecture. The triangle resulting from the intersection with the first letter generates the entire structure of the labels, dividing the surface into clear areas, with distinct information. The special treatment applied to the images, together with the accurate use of gradients, create a coherent but diverse family of packaging, with many possibilities for further development.
Creative platform

To ensure the consistent implementation of Adams' new identity, we used the main brand messages and visual language to create design templates for various offline and online communication materials, from digital banners and posters that can be used in points of sale up to promotional items.
“When we decided it was time for a refresh of the Adams Supplements brand, we already had in mind a direction we thought it should be heading to. However, Brandfusion challenged us with a different perspective they discovered after a thorough analysis of the market and after discussions with food supplements consumers.

Therefore, Brandfusion's arguments in favor of the proposed concepts and the fact that we were able to listen to the "consumer's voice" ultimately removed any doubt. For us, it was a proof of Brandfusion's ability to deeply understand the business, the market, the consumer and to come up with strategic and creative solutions to meet their needs.”

Founder of Adams Vision

Our impact

Our involvement in the project resulted in:
\ Identifying the consumer profile and its central need in relation to the category
\ Determining the direction of brand positioning
\ Defining the idea around which the brand develops and articulating its slogan
\ Building the brand platform that underlies its communication
\ Logo and packaging concept design used on different product sub-categories
\ Creating the design implementation manual

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Adams Supplements

Project Made For

Adams Supplements

After many years in which Adams Supplements' evolution was driven by tactical business opportunities, with no clear message and visual positionin Read More
