
35 * 25 * 40 in
Clay, foam board, hologram sheet, and acylic paint
This sculpture series visualizes the irreplaceable value of an individual. For this work, I made six objects and placed each on a scale that indicates the number 100, a common standard in science studies. All of the objects appear to weigh the same. However, the distinct densities, textures, and usage give unique values and characteristics to each object. Like the objects, the value of a person is incomparable. People often judge their personality or appearance in comparison to others. However, any characteristic of a person can be both a weakness and a strength depending on the situation.

I used clay to make quarts, jade, agate, and a pearl in an oyster and colored them with acrylic paint. I used hologram paper to make a bismuth and a small gemstone to make a diamond.
Idea Sketch

