Recently in the news I’ve seen so much wrong with the world and going on, I knew that I wanted to do something that's going on in the world and that I don't see a lot of people talking about besides the  news. A lot of people talk about the environment and as they should but the recent events that have happened over in afghanistan have just gotten to me and the more i think about it, it makes me worried for the future of those over there with the recent resurgence of the taliban taking control
For my cards, I chose to do the vernacular of Schultz’s peanuts, the contrast of the child nature of the comic and the gruesome nature and terrible things that have and are happening with the U.S. pulling out. Each one besides 1 (“Let me teach you about Eid-ul-Adha”) are made like actual peanut greeting cards with a spin on the wordings or imagery. Instead of Charlie brown and Lucy kicking footballs, I have Lucy concerned about the education she would get under the new regime and the characters running away as refugees to get on a plane out of the country. In order to keep the feeling of a card , my Girlfriend and I wrote out the articles for writing variations and the actual feel of someone writing on a card. The writing on the inside are articles I found on information about what's going on in afghanistan to provide information to my viewers. My Eid-ul-Adha card is a card to say things are bad right now but hopefully things get better so i explain the Islamic/Muslim holiday and how it's celebrated as well as on the other side, an excerpt and explanation for the Quran, the sacred religious text  of Islamic faith. 
My cards I wanted to be shocking and catch you off guard, sadden you, and then at the end look to the future and tell my viewers how they can help.For the envelope I wanted it to feel dirty and like its been through a lot before it got to you, on which I wrap with string and use a afghanistan postage stamp from 2000 and 2001 to call back to the escalation and beginning of this 20 year war. 
the Peanut Conflict

the Peanut Conflict
