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The Impact of Advertising | Essay

The impact of advertising | Essay
Over the last 66 years, marketing has changed dramatically in the alcohol industry. I have selected the following topic to discuss because I believe that the alcohol advertisement methods have vastly changed through time. Using sexual approaches to advertisement then have now completely changed with now seeing a vast majority of branded tag lines and minimalistic posters for advertisement as well as commercials that hold a deeper message. Throughout this selection I will explore how the advertising of Budweiser has changed in response to the area of the brief and my research, where I have found the oldest and newest areas of advertisement.
This advert is for Budweiser Beer. It was originally published in 1956 and created by Labett. 
I can see that in the video a woman is listening to all the generic music you would hear in a shell. Such as the waves, although the music in the background is a flute being played. It then goes on to show the beer can being opened and poured into a champagne glass, the narrator explains that - ​​​​​​​“Open a Budweiser and pour yourself the most inviting beer you’ve ever tasted”
The narrator then continues to explain the drink, informing the audiences that it is great for communal events, showing the scene of a pick-nik and food cooking on a BBQ. The scenery then changes to 3 screens showing the process of how Budweiser should be enjoyed. The ending of this advert shows the women taking her beverage and finishes with a frequently used phrase “Where there’s life…there’s Bud.” This represents the intentions of trying to convey a message that Budweiser should not just be drank but enjoyed with others. The use of the champagne glass also can intel that creators are trying to make the beer portray as more than just beer and that it is prestigious and should be drank with class and not just as an average beer. ​​​​​​​
1956 was a time that technology was used more and more using a camera and set, with clips of different areas to increase the level of over exaggerated need to buy a brand. In different views you could interpret the over exaggerated area of time to be very minimal surrealism. This was something that in the art community was just starting to really be used however was discovered in the 1920s. The newest technology at the time was,the hard disk drive — the world's first. The RAMAC disk drive consisted of 50 magnetically coated metal platters capable of storing about 5 million characters of data. RAMAC allowed real-time, random access to large amounts of data, unlike magnetic tape or punched cards. Having this new tech could have meant that they could have been a brand to of used the updated technology and meant that they could do more within the advert. Techniques include split screening, zooming and voice over content.
The depiction of the advert strengths I’d say was great camera quality for when this was based as well as the narrators voice is very fitting to the music used within the ad. The weakness of this ad is that it is 1 minute and 3 seconds long and could be so much more effective being short and minimal grabbing the audience from the start. They should have created less information into the advertisement by not repeating a scene or try to use less information. The advertisement doesn’t paint a picture into many cultures or historical events however the Flutes are the earliest known identifiable musical instruments. A number of flutes dating to about 43,000 to 35,000 years ago have been found in the Swabian Jura region of present-day Germany.
This advert is for Budweiser, it was originally published in 2022 and created by Chloé Zhao.
I can see that a Clydesdale horse is galloping across the plains whilst being watched by the Labrador but the horse tries to jump a hurdle and gets caught in the barbed wire therefore injuring its self and falling to the ground. The horse is put into a stall where the dog is staying company to the horse as the horse has his leg bandaged by what looks like a vet the horse is in much distress when this occurs.
 The vet demeaner changes and looks towards the man which looks as if he is the owner and she shakes her head. The dog laid on the ground outside the stall the scenery then cuts to the snowy mountains. This follows with the horse being checked on by the man and the dog but the horse continues to lie down and proceeds to look worse.  The advert then shows the vet and the man talking around the fire with a Budweiser as if she was saying the horse won’t make it. However, the horse manages to stand and breaks out of the stall where the dog sees the horse and barks as the horse starts to gallop towards the dog and man. The dog starts to run towards the horse and it shows in text “In the home of the brave down never means out” The horse continues to gallop towards the camera view and then advertises the Budweiser logo.  ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
This represents that you may be down however you have to get back up and restart and just keep fighting. A camera and most likely a drone have been used to create this advert but also a ranch and actors as well as the horse and dog. Techniques include slow motion, zooming in on visuals, music background, suspense and much more. The advert as a hole is very impressive, however they could have added more depth to their little story but overall good advert.
This poster advert is for Budweiser it was originally published in 1950s.
 I can see that there is a crate of Budweiser bottles advertising the handy six. Not only this but the quote “Go social with Americas social companion” shows there advertising this to social events. It quotes “The handy six helps make entertaining simple”. For a poster it has a lot of writing and only two main focus points of the glass and the beer bottle and the box of six beer bottles. In the poster it also has a ticket of some kind that says “Ask your dealer”. This represents that Budweiser is trying to create there brand to be a social beverage that can be shared with others not just alone. Technology could be printing or even newspaper printing no evidence can be found of this process. Techniques could include layering and very typographic approach. The strengths of this poster would have to be the illustrative look of the images and the layouts of the text is unique. The weakness of this poster would have to be the amount of text on the poster no one is going to read all of that text when walking past it need to be big small amount of writing and be able to get your message across quickly. The only historical value this poster has would that is has a small American logo of some kind that could represents there brand or just to show that its Americas favourite beer.
When reflecting upon the adverts from recent areas and original production the advertisement has changed dramatically. The advertising through time has changed to being very sexualised to and as such social drink to being almost strong and enabling you to keep going keeping you strong through hard times. I believe that advertisement has changed because technology has changed as well as social classes and audience views have a huge impact in the way people advertise as well. Change in advertisement is important because people’s minds change most of the time and has recently changed dramatically with many different views on the uprise such as LGBTQ+ and political views. Some factors of being able to enable these changes to happen is technology and different ideas that can be brain stormed amongst many people instead of a couple people’s ideas, this is because times have moved on generations have been wiped out and many more factors that can contribute. My opinion on all three adverts are very different as the first was quite up to date for its times however only spread a sexualised view. The second is very recent as well as very different using a type of breed of horse which are very strong willed and creating the same message with the short story almost. Lastly, the poster from the 1950s had far too much typography looking at recent posters sometimes we only have the memorable items that make the brand them on the poster such as Budweiser posters now are just there quote and a bottle or even sometimes just the logo. Overall, all the adverts have differences but through time advertisement has got more accessible and easier to create and show to the audience.
The Impact of Advertising | Essay


The Impact of Advertising | Essay


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