Ninon Jalabert's profile

So Lonely Boys in cinema

The cinema knows perfectly how to transcribe the loneliness of man. Heartbreak, loss, separation, difficult change, the extent of sadness directly depends on the value we place on its object.
 When the masculine is deprived of something, you can read an emptiness in his eyes.
​​​​​​​The Truman Show. Peter Weir
Her. Spike Jonze
Manchester by the Sea. Kenneth Lonergan
Spider-Man 3. Sam Raimi
WhiplashDamien Chazelle
The Double. Richard Ayoade
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. Michel Gondry
Lars and the Real Girl. Craig Gillespie
Good Will Hunting. Gus Van Sant
The Voices. Marjane Satrapi
Forrest Gump. Robert Zemeckis
Birdman. Alejandro Gonález Iñárritu
Blade Runner 2049. Denis Villeneuve
American Psycho. Mary Harron
 Joker. Todd Phillips
Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood. Quentin Tarantin
 Beautiful Boy. Felix Van Groeningen
 The Batman. Matt Reeves
The Best Offer. Giuseppe Tornatore
 One Hour Photo. Mark Romanek
Gran Torino. Clint Eastwood
 Dallas Buyers Club. Jean-Marc Vallée
Taxi Driver. Martin Scorsese
Shame. Steve McQueen
The Pianist. Roman Polanski
Donnie Darko. Richard Kelly
Fight Club. David Fincher
Drive. Nicolas Winding Refn
Lost In Translation. Sofia Coppola
The Revenant. Alejandro Gonález Iñárritu
 Enemy. Denis Villeneuve
Cast Away. Robert Zemeckis
Intouchables. Olivier Nakache & Éric Toledano
 Logan. James Mangold
Spider-Man : No Way Home. Jon Watts
The Social Network. David Fincher
 8 Mile. Curtis Hanson
Demolition. Jean-Marc Vallée
Bohemian Rhapsody. Bryan Singer & Dexter Fletcher
Interstellar. Christopher Nolan
Punch-Drunk Love. Paul Thomas Anderson
 Locke. Steven Knight 
 I Am Legend. Francis Lawrence
Sound of Metal. Darius Marder
Into the Wild. Sean Penn
Silver Linings Playbook. David O. Russell 
The Martian. Ridley Scott
Call Me by Your Name. Luca Guadagnino
The Terminal. Steven Spielberg

Visions of Gideon - Sufjan Stevens
So Lonely Boys in cinema


So Lonely Boys in cinema
