Another illustration series! This time, focusing on the history of Nintendo home consoles, starting in 1977 with the Color TV-Game 6 and finishing in 2012 with the Wii U.
Because of the form factor of the Wii and Wii U, I decided to depict only the controllers, those being the most interesting parts.All the other consoles are donefrom a top-down perspective.
2012 Wii U
2001 GameCube
2006 Wii
1990 Super Nintendo Entertainment System (JP)
1991 Super Nintendo Entertainment System (US)
1996 N64
1980 Computer TV-Game
1983 Nintendo Entertainment System
1986 FamiCom
1977 Color TV-Game 6
1978 Color TV-Game 15
1978 Color TV-Game Racing 112
1979 Color TV-Game Block Buster
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Nintendo illustrations.


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