Profil Kwennie Cheng

Zak Snot (Bag of Boogers) - package design

My love for sweets (mainly as a consumer) and ever need to collect illustrated food packaging has resulted into my first attempt to design, cook, pack and destribute homemade sweets.
Inspired by interesting names for sweets from my childhood ('jawbreaker' seems a bit cruel for children now I think of it as an adult..?) I came up with 'Zak Snot' which translates to Bag of Boogers. My homemade ginger sweets do look a lot like boogers, don't you think?
Thank you for taking the time to view my project.
Zak Snot (Bag of Boogers) - package design

Zak Snot (Bag of Boogers) - package design

Packaging design for homemade ginger sweets.
