Growth Marketing Hacks to Fuel Your Startup Growth

It's time to get started now that the confusion around growth marketing and hacking has been cleared up. You need to know that these growth marketing tricks will only expand your startup after we continue. You must evaluate your current situation, your needs, and the hack that will work best for you.

 Build & Use Pre-Launch Email List
Many entrepreneurs searching for growth hacks are developing their products and seeking strategies to promote them once they are ready. Email communication can be one of the most valuable tools available if you fall into this category.

You should contact your consumers at least one week before introducing your new product. To do this, you'll need to grow your email list. Unlike your followers on social media or SEO traffic, you control your email list. You don't have to worry about the platform going out of business or being dependent on its algorithms.

Establishing your email list should be your first goal if your business is in its early stages. Make the most of what you already have if you do. This is because adequately handled pre-launch emails can generate buzz about your product and assist you in reaching people who need to be added to your email list.

An excellent landing page must support your pre-launch marketing emails for a greater conversion rate. That's because it takes 0.05 seconds for a customer to form an opinion about your website.

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Lean Summits


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