Profil appartenant à Isabel Righi

SPACE-imen - Handel Gothic

SPACE - imen
Hendel Gothic 

The project consists of a specimen of the Hendel Gothic typeface, used in the promotional campaign for the sci-fi film Close Encounters. 
The development of the project consists of three phases:
the first phase was the identification of posters of sci-fi films, between the past 
and the present; once the poster of interest had been identified, and therefore the film, 
the research was continued into the typeface used, in this case Hendel Gothic; the third phase consisted of combining the different knowledge acquired, regarding the film and the typeface, with the aim of creating a specimen.

The specimen takes as its reference the final scene of the film Close Encounters, in which humans have to communicate with extraterrestrials through a light panel, subdivided into rectangles. This structure is found in the composition of the layout. The sentences readable within the pages are phrases taken from the dialogue of the film itself, in order 
to maintain consistency.

SPACE-imen - Handel Gothic
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SPACE-imen - Handel Gothic

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