Mariana Romero-Carrillo's profile

Bio Design Challenge: Sustainable Material Exploration

Sustainability Design – Professor Jean Brennan
Combined project with Allison McElwee

We experimented with combining pits and peels with agar as a binder to create a myriad of beautiful bio art samples. We envision sharing these recipes with Brooklyn residents, the majority of whom do not have access to a composting program, to redirect this common domestic waste product into at-home packaging for wrapping sandwiches or providing an impromptu lid, etc. We developed a metrics system to evaluate the tensile strength, flexibility, aesthetics, texture, and scent of the various recipes we developed. Pits & Peels provide resources for our local neighbors to find wonder and joy in the trash bin and to consider the materials that surround us in our everyday lives anew.

We use pits & peels that would otherwise be discarded to create
beautiful BioArt. The process of combining these items with agar
and other binders allowed us to create compelling visuals while
evaluating their potential for packaging use.

What modifications can be made to existing biomaterial
recipes using AGAR AGAR in combination with PITS &
PEELS to create different colors, visuals, and textures?

Combine common household waste with AGAR AGAR*
to create BIOART by way of bioplastic creation
*(and other natural ingredients like Glycerol)
Bio Design Challenge: Sustainable Material Exploration


Bio Design Challenge: Sustainable Material Exploration


Creative Fields