Mondok Dev's profile

Studium Business Administration website project

Studium Business Administration website: 2023-2024
Landing page of the website
Design and idea:
I got an order on Fiverr, one of the freelancing platforms that I use, from someone from Germany, and asked me to develop a website under the topic "Studium Business Administration" for his college project, containing all required content, such as information, FAQ, Etc..
Career section of the website
Content of the website:
The client wanted 3 pages for this project, which are as follows:

- Landing page (Containing basic information about the topic)
- Career page (Including all areas which Business administration offers)
- Study structure page (Listing all information about the structure of the study)

( Rest of pages will be listed in the end of the project )
Studium Business Administration website project

Studium Business Administration website project
