by Stefan F. Wirth

Colors and Light

The view of a sunlit landscape in autumn arouses a sense of beauty. The impression of distance stimulates the imagination and can almost unleash a longing for something that is too far away to be able to grasp it qualitatively. Symmetry impresses us humans, we like the play of light and shadow, the complex tangle of fine structures and the repetition in patterns. But colors in particular arouse emotions.

Although colors can be defined objectively as physical wavelengths, they are created by light, but their exact perception varies from person to person, because it ultimately takes place through the human brain. And yet it can be generalized that warm colors are perceived as friendly, dark colors as mysterious, threatening or simply unusual.

Colors create emotions. One of my motivations for this photo project was to provide the same motif with different lighting and colors in order to stimulate a more complex confrontation of the viewer with the landscape or a macro detail. It deals with personal views and perspectives of the Tempelhofer Feld in Berlin, which were created using a macro system, a fisheye lens and panoramic photographs.

Tempelhofer Feld​​​​​​​

Tempelhofer Feld is the largest contiguous open space in the middle of a city in the world. The various landscape types are similar in certain respects, namely largely characterized by sun exposure and therefore a dominant aridity.

Photo shooting October 2022

© Stefan F. Wirth, Tempelhofer Feld, Berlin, October 2022 - January 2023



