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Tajir - Digitial Solution For UMKM Business

Tajir - Digital Solution For UMKM Business
Tajir is a mobile application that allows UMKM actors to transform digitally. Tajir can be used for bookeeping, managing transaction, monitoring business progress, and finding out what is the best and the most suitable strategy to improve the business. Tajir learns the pattern of customers behavior and will recommend the most suitable solutions for business owners.
The first stage of the design thinking process is to understand the perspective of the target to identify and address the problem. In order to do this, design thinkers are encouraged to put aside all kinds of assumptions Type of user research is interview. The interview consisted of 20 questions about UMKM owners, their business and tasks, their experience and struggle as UMKM owners, their opinions about the business, and their reaction to our upcoming product. We have concluded the interview result into a user persona
Putting together all of the information gathered in the first stage, the next step is to define the problem statement clearly. Based on the interviews that have been conducted, we can conclude that the problems in managing the UMKM business are:
1. Difficulty in recording cash flows such as income, expenses, and profits.
2. Difficulty in seeing the development of MSME business both in terms of engagement to the public and finances
3. Difficulty to know the reasons why the sales its not selling
4. Difficulty in managing existing data in the MSME business
5. Difficulty in setting achievement goals for business development
6. Difficulty in determining the best business strategies
The ideation stage marks the transition from identifying problems to exploring solutions. After knowing the problems and needs of the user, we can develop solutions that can help overcome these things, namely :
1. Provides transaction features that can record finances or keep books of income, expenses and other costs.
2. Provides insight features that can provide an outline of business developments in social and financial terms
3. Connect to applications like social media and marketplace of the user's business
4. Provide a review feature that can find out the reasons behind the lack of a product so that it can be developed further from reviews by buyers.
5. Provides a goal feature to help set the goals needed to develop a business and provide strategies to achieve them.
Here is the prototype of Tajir application
The highlighted feature of this application is Insight where it gathered data from the connected apps like social media and marketplace and analyze the data from those apps also 
Figma link :
This stage is an interactive stage where design thinkers get to know how are the users’ feedback. Testing is essential because everything should ultimately be about the people who will use the product. We used "Maze" as a platform for testing, the test was followed by 25 respondents and consisted of 5 tasks, which are :
1. Register
2. Transaction
3. Cashier mode
4. Insight
5. Edit Product

Here are the results :
From the result of the test we can conclude that the Tajir app is proper and easy to use. 
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Tajir - Digitial Solution For UMKM Business

Tajir - Digitial Solution For UMKM Business
