Jenna Maertz, Faded in the Arts, Acrylic Paint on Canvas, 2021, 21" x 26"
In my painting class, we were assigned to stretch and create our own canvas for our final project. Our final project was to create a painting that included contemporary artists' artworks. We needed to include in our painting an abstract painting, an abstraction painting, a realism painting, and a self-portrait using a mirror as reference. 

I chose to create a painting that is almost square and stretched my canvas to be 21" by 26". 
Figure 1: Hurvin AndersonUNTITLED (BEACH SCENE), 2003, Oil on Canvas, 63" x 102" 

Figure 2: Bridget Riley, Fete, 1989, Color Silkscreen, 21" x 30"

Figure 3: Jordan Casteel, Direct Response, 2021, Oil on Canvas, 72" × 56"
After creating my canvas, I began to sketch out and come up with some concepts of a composition. I loved the above image and the three paintings I chose, but my instructor recommended that I don't break up the painting this way. He also liked the paintings but felt I could push my idea more. After pushing the idea that my instructor and I liked further, I started my painting.
I started with measuring and planning the top portion of the painting, then painting Hurvin Anderson UNTITLED (BEACH SCENE). Then I started to sketch and paint my face using a mirror as a reference. 
As I finished replicating Bridget Rileys Fete painting, I began painting Jordan Casteel's Direct Response painting. I chose to paint the jeans in Casteel's painting and put it behind the dripping in Anderson's painting. I also thinned out the face because it was not accurate to my real face. 

I really loved the outcome and to this day, it is one of my favourite pieces I've done.   
Details in painting. 
Faded in the Arts

Faded in the Arts


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