Client / Bónus, Iceland

I had the pleasure of bringing the iconic identity of the Bónus pig to life in 3D. He is cheeky and fun and I had a blast playing around with him in Cinema 4D.

Bónus is a no-frills one stop shop for groceries at affordable prices. It is one of the most popular supermarkets in Iceland and has been in business since 1989.

The Mission /

The Bónus pig introduces it's new look. The Bónus brand had a fresh new branding in the beginning of 2022 and I was asked to bring the pig to life in 3D. 

No more single-use plastic

This spot highlights Bónus's policy eliminating single-use plastic bags.

No food to waste

The Bónus pig displays his enthusiasm for reducing food waste, highlighting the company's policy measures of selling "ugly" and aged produce at a reduced price. 

Carbon offset

Bónus became the first grocery store in Iceland to offset their carbon footprint by planting trees.

One product, one price 

No matter where the pig travels across Iceland, he will always find the same low prices. 

In-sync with the community  

The pig is happy with all of the money he has saved by shopping with the lowest priced grocery store in Iceland. Bónus prides itself on being in sync with the needs of the community.

More Work and WIP

3D Bónus
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3D Bónus

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