Brook-pro is a robust enterprise level collaboration platform capable of delivering high-definition video and audio to many simultaneous users. Although the technology in the background is quite complex the user experience shouldn’t be.
This project encompasses an informational website, software UI design for the collaboration platform and branding.
Web Design
UI Design
As a collaboration tool Brook-Pro contains several tools to connect team members. Currently there is video conferencing, chat, and an address book to manage contacts. Each are built on existing frameworks yet must work seamlessly together. In addition the UI is required to have enough flexible to accommodate future functionality that has yet to be defined.
UX Design
Below are wire-frames outlining the purchase process for the Brook-Pro service. Our goal is to strike a balance between a user-centered approach and satisfying business goals and technical constraints.
Brand Development


Brook-pro is a robust enterprise level collaboration platform capable of delivering high-definition video and audio to many simultaneous users. A Read More
