Profil von Eva Saranova

UI/UX Project / Messageing app for business

Nbience Platform Project

Worked on this project while I was working in Vaudience company and together with other UI/UX designers 
we were developing a tool similar to Slack but with the possibility of previewing more participants in meeting rooms at the same time / more than 200+ people in one meeting room.
We were working on the look and feel of the platform + the functionality.

"Nbience is a unique online communication platform which allows online meetings to happen in secure and at
the same time really high-interactive manner. It gives the opportunity for participants to cut out their
innapropriate background and also it gives the chance for teachers and online presenters to avoid public or students
with also innapropriate gestures with the strong AI face recognition feature which the platform has.
Who we are? With nbience, we enable live-video audiences at a ratio
of 500 participants for the bandwidth cost of 1 standard fullHD video. 
This innovation makes remote live-video efficient, secure and scalable to thousands
of live participants, creating truly virtual crowds."

UI/UX Project / Messageing app for business


UI/UX Project / Messageing app for business

