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Redesigning the Classic Energy Metre

Design brief: Assess the Human Factors (HF) challenges with the "Classic Energy Metre" and redesign the product to improve its usability and user experience using HF principles.
Usability Testing
This activity was performed in a group of three. And to assess Human Factors holistically several considerations were made such as time taken to perform the task, experience with each step, how intuitive is the product, user expectations and more. However, determining “User Experience” and Anthropometric suitability for the test users were the main priorities. Further, the activity was performed and observed with eight test users across demography, which lead to the discovery of several issues and opportunities.

Find below a quick video of the usability issues of the product.
Moving forward to the development phase, I consulted with the relevant Anthropometric data to design the product accordingly and make it more user-friendly. The product is designed based on the data of a small population as big hands were easily able to grasp the product while the small people were having trouble. However, again I would test the design via prototyping to find suitability and validate my design decisions.
Based on the ideas generated during the brainstorming session with the group and further research on related products. There are two models which stood out one is a screen touch while the other is a buttoned version. During prototyping, several other ideas were tested as well instead of just limiting them to the two concepts. Also because physical form gives more clarity of the form, size, functionality, and usability of the product. ​​​​​​​
Watch below a video illustration of new design improvements and product comparisons
Credits: Screen interface designed by Luxi Chen. Clasp designed by Zhihao Hu
Redesigning the Classic Energy Metre


Redesigning the Classic Energy Metre
