The 1/1 Colorless Sand token is only ever mentioned on Dune-Brood Nephilim, however I suppose you could jam a shovel into the pile and call him a Sand Warrior... then he'd work for Hazezon Tamar as well.
1/1 Green Insect tokens abound in Magic, and anyone who knows my work knows how much I love drawing creepy-crawlies, so more along this vein are inevitable.
This 1/2 Green Spider token is an obvious homage to my Ink Spiders series. Working in the amount of visual gags like in the other Ink Spiders pieces is a bit more difficult when you're drawing on a playing card with a ballpoint pen, so I tried to just keep it simple with the musket and Field Guide to Drakes.
0/1 Black Thrull Tokens come up a lot in my decks, where I am a huge fan of Breeding Pit. This poor little malformed bugger is probably not long for this world... I'd eventually like to make a few different designs of this card showcasing the horrible variety of thrulls you can pull out of the genetic soup that is the Breeding Pit.
1/1 Black Wolf Tokens only come up on the flip-side of Garruk Relentless (which is, of course Garruk the Veil-Cursed). The idea came to me as I pictured Evil Garruk flinging roadkill at his enemies, and thus the Stinkwolf was born.
1/1 Colorless Spirit Tokens are plentiful in the Kamigawa block, so I figured I should keep the flavor of the set in mind while this little guy took shape on the card. Floating disembodied triangles are where its at... just ask It That Betrays.
This 1/1 White Soldier Token is a little weird... His helmet looks like a toque and I'm pretty sure I forgot to give him a shirt... that said he looks pretty serious so I'll leave him be.
Ok, so Firecat Blitz doesn't see a lot of play, but I couldn't resist making this 1/1 Red Cat Token. It looks like a mix between Troll-Girl (a character of mine who fans of my work are familiar with) and Totoro. All-in-all, a force to be reckoned with, in cute-factor alone.
I drew this quick & dirty 1/1 Red Elemental Token during a game of Commander a couple weeks ago when I realized I didn't have a token for my Young Pyromancer who was doing so much work for me. I'm pretty happy with it.
This is the one that started off this whole project. While at Pax East last year, I had the opportunity to play a game of Commander with Graham Stark from LoadingReadyRun as well as a handful of LRR fans. It was a blast, and while I was waiting for everyone to show up, I drew this guy with a Bic pen I boosted from somewhere. 2/2 Black Zombie Tokens abound in my Red & Black Rakdos, Lord of Riots commander deck, that plus my love of drawing the undead made this an easy entry point.
This dapper gentleman is a 2/2 Black Vampire Token. He looks like the unholy spawn of Michael Jackson and The Baron from The Cat Returns.
This 1/1 Green Saproling was one of my favorites that I've drawn, I just wish I didn't clumsily smudge his roots. Alas.
Another in my long line of 2/2 Black Zombie Creature tokens, this guy ended up in my twin brothers Black & Blue Skeleton Ship commander deck alongside another one you'll see later on.
2/2 White Cat tokens are plentiful these days with Ajani running rampant across the planes. I made two of these on a lark, Angry Kitty, shown above and a somewhat derpy Cute Kitty, shown below.
In other news, yes I have cats, and yes their fur ends up when it shouldn't... like art. All my paintings are 30% cat fur guaranteed.
The 3/1 Black & Red Graveborn Token comes up in two cards in the Ice Age block; Balduvian Dead, and Sek'Kuar the Deathkeeper (from Coldsnap et al). It was for my friend Javier's Sek'Kuar Commander deck that I drew this guy. I may make a couple more of these... they do tend to travel in groups.
This goofy-looking 2/2 Black Zombie Token has a home in my twin brother's Black & Blue Skeleton Ship commander deck. That is a tiny axe... meant to be a throwing axe, but its kind of jammed in at an impossible angle. Either way, this shows how perfectly these blank cards from GameCrafter fit into normal card sleeves.
MTG Tokens

MTG Tokens

This is an ongoing collection of the custom Creature Tokens I've created for use with Magic The Gathering.
