Nurul Syaheera Rumlan 님의 프로필

Boat Noodle #MeeLAH [PITCH]

This campaign provides for the opportunity for both self-expression and the expression of finding happiness. Through this campaign, we simultaneously help express individuality and symbolise community by telling the story that at Boat Noodle, there is something for everyone.

#MeeLAH is not only a symbol of authenticity, variety and value but also a statement that makes the everyday Boat Noodler part of something bigger - a community of happy foodies.
Key Visual
Carousel Images
Greeting Card
Landing page - with The Loyal Noodlers (Loyalty Program) and The Boat Noodler pop up quiz (Personality Test)
Boat Noodle #MeeLAH [PITCH]


Boat Noodle #MeeLAH [PITCH]


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