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Thyroid specialist in Lucknow - Dr. Mayank Somani

Top 10 physician doctors in Lucknow - Dr. Mayank Somani 

Diabetes Myths lead to greater stigma, hurt and most significantly misunderstanding and misdiagnosed’.

Let’s Uncover Some Myths: -
Eating Sweets and Sugar Causes Diabetes - Consuming sugar is not a direct risk factor for type 2 diabetes, although it can have indirect effects, such as weight gain, that make the condition more likely to develop. Risk factors for type 2 diabetes include: being overweight or having a large waist circumference.
Type 2 diabetes only develops late in life - Type 2 diabetes used to be known as adult-onset diabetes, but both type 1 and type 2 diabetes can begin during childhood and adulthood. Type 2 is more common in older adults, but the increase in the number of children with obesity has led to more cases of type 2 diabetes in younger people.
People with diabetes cannot live a normal life- Not true. Although it may take a little planning and modification with diet and medicines, you should be able to do everything you did before you begin on treatment.
I am thin so I cannot have diabetes in my life, it only occurs in Obese people- You don’t have to be overweight or obese to get type 2 diabetes. In fact, you can have high blood sugar even if you look thin. Around 10% to 15% of people with type 2 diabetes are at a healthy weight. It’s called lean diabetes. It may be a kind of “hybrid” of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. That means you may not make enough insulin or respond to it very well.
No need to panic; I only have borderline diabetes. -
The term "prediabetes" refers to those whose blood sugar levels are above normal but outside the range for diabetes. You are at a high risk of acquiring diabetes within the next ten years if you have prediabetes. If you lose weight and work out for 150 minutes a week, you may be able to get your blood sugar levels down to normal. Discuss your diabetes risk with your healthcare practitioner, as well as any steps you might take to reduce it.
I can stop taking diabetes medicines once my blood sugar is under control. –
Some people with type 2 diabetes are able to control their blood sugar without medicine by losing weight, eating a healthy diet, and getting regular exercise. But diabetes is a progressive disease, and over time, even if you are doing all you can to stay healthy, you may need medicine to keep your blood sugar within your target range.
 My blood sugar levels are high, but I don't have any signs of diabetes.
Thyroid specialist in Lucknow - Dr. Mayank Somani

Thyroid specialist in Lucknow - Dr. Mayank Somani
