Perfil de Julia Fedkovich

Игровой интерфэйс

 1. I want to add a feature - turning on the mode of turning the figurine for a coin.
 2. There should be a button that activates / deactivates the flip mode, an indicator of the number of flips left, and a button to replenish the flips. 
3. And the second feature is the cancel button, which cancels the expected move of the player. 
4. Please draw an interface with shapesand changed features, with examples of different points of new features. The work must be done in a "wooden" style. It matters textures, materials, their combinations. You can try on the furniture side of the royal palaces, retro cars, steampunk, elven theme or whatever.
Игровой интерфэйс

Игровой интерфэйс
