Kimberley Holloway's profile

The Schmooze - Fifth Edition

Each year The Prop House publishes 'The Schmooze' magazine showcasing different client work, visuals and the journey the company (and its sisters) has taken in the past 12 months. From events, visual merchandising and Christmas decorations 'The Schmooze' is used as marketing collateral for existing and potential clients.

THE SCHMOOZE - Fifth Edition

Taking the 'Sunflower' as both a metaphor and a visual for a year of growth at 'The Prop House'. The team looked back on a period where they moved locations, took on more client work and larger contracts while also growing in team members.
'The Schmooze' takes its style from 'The Prop House' using its props to create a sort of "scrapbook" feel to it. Giant candy canes, velvet mannequins and green rope were used as reoccurring visuals within the publication as these are the props that were used within client installations.

I took the iconic Prop House black and white stripes to create a bold front cover visual and using a sunflower to represent 'growth' we created a reoccurring metaphor (both in the publication and in real life.) Continuing with the sunflower idea we purchased small sunflowers to place within the magazine when we mailed them out and also manufactured 1m and 2m sized sunflowers and stuck them to the side of 'The Prop House' building in Woolloongabba.

The photographs used throughout the publication are ones I have taken throughout the year of different installations and client projects.
'The Schoomze' is always a really fun project to produce each year, not only because editorial design is such a passion of mine and my background is in printing but because our clients love receiving one - there is always so much buzz in the lead up to our clients getting them, and we always encounter such amazing positive feedback from everyone afterwards!
The Schmooze - Fifth Edition

The Schmooze - Fifth Edition
