Bosta is a company specializing in the field of shipping and logistics services.
Through Bosta, you can ship your products, track your shipments, and get your money!
For an entire year, we were responsible for the production and design of Bosta .
We were an integrated technical team consisting of an Art Director, Graphic Designer, Illustrator, Animator, ETC.

 In the beginning, we studied the Brand Strategy and reviewed the Visual Identity of Bosta Company..and found the following problems:
• The Typograph is incompatible with the Logo Icon in terms of size or proportion.
• The typography of the logo looks childish, friendly, and unprofessional.
• The logo is geometrically inconsistent.

Brand Guideline: Within a year, we built an integrated Brand Guideline for Bosta. To include everything related to branding visually, whether colors, fonts, design style, its applications and uses, the Illustration style and its various graphics and the Animation Style.

Logo FaceLifting

We drew the Logo Icon again in a well-thought-out geometric way, with the same thickness between the Icon and the Typograph.

Then we started modifying the logo typography to be more balanced, combining flexibility and sharpness of the limbs
We chose flexibility because the Bosta Application is simple, flexible, and easy to handle. As for the sharpness of the parties, it reflects the professionalism and hard work that Bosta is distinguished for, especially since it is a B2B company!


After studying the target audience, we found that Bosta customers constantly deal with shipping cartons and packaging tools with their hands.
And we decided that we would take advantage of this point in the design, so we relied on the Craft Style!

In the Craft Style, we use tangible material elements so that these elements are like a doll or a game, and we start arranging the elements in the design side by side or on top of each other, as if someone arranged them with his hands, so the design, in the end, appears as if it is a Macket!

We chose the Craft Style specifically because it reflects attention to every detail of the customer. At the same time, the customer feels as if he installed the design with his own hands!

Art director: Mahmoud Sadon -
 Senior Graphic designer: Abdelrahman Afify - 
Photographer: Mahmoud Roshdy -
 Logo Revamping executor: Andrew Hesham
BOSTA - Branding
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