動 · 靜

An invitation to explore a deeper interrelationship and philosophy 
between Dynamic ( 動 ) [1] and Static ( 靜 ) [2] through photography.

What is dynamic ( 動 )?
What is static ( 靜 )?
Let’s take a moment and concentrate.​​​​​​​

Can you sense…
A dialogue between the seen and the unseen.
In each moment:
There is dynamic within static ( 靜中有動 ); 
There is static within dynamic ( 動中有靜 );
Perhaps now you can start to comprehend: 
They are actually neither 
But also both ( 是動亦是靜,是靜亦是動 ). ​​​​​​​
[1] Dynamic
Constant change, movement; full of energy; in Chinese philosophy, can be interpreted as the ever changing physical form ( 形態 ) of a substance 

[2] 靜:Static
Lack of movement, action or change; calmness and tranquility; in Chinese philosophy, can be interpreted as the unchanged essence ( 本質、本性 )of a substance ​​​​​​​

Thank you for accepting the invitation!
Camera: Canon EOS 6D & 5D Mark IV
Lens: Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM
Location: Hong Kong 
Time: 2019 - 2023
動 · 靜
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動 · 靜

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