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Showcase for Gucci store

At one time, Apple released a commercial for the "Jobs Lamp". The guy walks past the shop window and notices that Mac not only reacted to him, but understands everything and is ready for interaction: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5P3QDm61go
Many years have passed, it has become technically possible to make interactive storefronts for real. However, there are very few such showcases. We wanted to think about how a showcase of a branded store can interact with a person, and what to talk about.
For experiments, we took women's bags from the Gucci brand. There are many of them: knitted, leather, with all kinds of decor and dressing. In each instance, you can highlight the unique features that make this bag THIS bag. Color, pattern, texture, material, shape of the lock and chain.
An image of an interactive showcase emerged. It is based on round frosted glass for rear projection (or you can use a screen). Around, on golden hoops, there are three platforms on which bags are displayed. The hoop and platforms are movable. By turning the wheel to the right or left, each bag can be brought to a "pedestal", where it will be illuminated by two directional light sources, cold and warm. At this moment, a generative graphic is launched on the screen, assembled from elements that distinguish this particular bag.
Interactive interaction is implemented using the Leapmotion sensor, which is built into the stand in front of the showcase. You can turn the wheel to the right or left by moving your hand.
Showcase for Gucci store

Showcase for Gucci store
