The Escola EDTI lacked a consistent and recognizable brand identity, which made it difficult to attract new students and promote their programs on social media. Their existing posts were inconsistent in design and messaging, leading to confusion among potential students.
We recognized that the school needed a comprehensive visual identity that would help them stand out on social media and create a cohesive brand image across all platforms.
Our team worked closely with the Escola EDTI to develop a new visual identity that would accurately represent their values and mission. We started by creating a mood board to establish a color palette, typography, and imagery style that would be used consistently across all marketing materials.
We then designed templates for social media posts, email newsletters, and other promotional materials. These templates included clear calls-to-action and highlighted the unique benefits of attending the school. We also created guidelines for photography and videography to ensure that all content was consistent with the new visual identity.

Redes Sociais EDTI
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Redes Sociais EDTI

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