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Online store prototyping for Malina Bonita


Client: Malina Bonita

Task: Main page and the menu prototyping, mobile adaptive 

Discipline: Fashion, Dress, Online store

Location: Moscow, Russia
Website design concept is monochrome. This technique allows you to focus the website visitor's attention to the content directly. Main page full screen banners show all of the details of dress and grab user favor. Categories of catalog available on hover in the drop-down menu. Searching-tool is also in the menu for UX-friendly

The colors of the web site are white and gold. These colors do not distract attention from the content, symbolize premium product and match well with any other colors. 

At the first screen the color of the menu is white. The menu fixed on scroll and change from white to gold.
Minimalistic colorful blocks present the collections with trends and the bestsellers. Announcements of the articles and client's photos allow brands to be closer to the customer.
Photo-block shows real looks cases, not only looks for advertising shootings.
Online store prototyping for Malina Bonita


Online store prototyping for Malina Bonita


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