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Ethem Ficici - Game Designer Portfolio 2022

RPG Project

This Unity project was meant to be a turn based RPG game. But currently it is only a movement system for the world area, where the player explores outside of battles. 
The movement system is decently advanced, with sprinting and sliding mechanics, and the terrain influencing movement. 

There is also a multi-page inventory system with items to swap between and equip.

Highlighted Skills:
1. C# Programming
2. Smooth player movement
3. Advanced Inventory System

All of the graphics for the game are primitive and only serve to demonstrate gameplay, so instead of a poster heres a video to showcase the game:
Reflection #1: Space Invaders

• How would you describe the process of creating and polishing the artifact?
Creating the game in the first place was a huge undertaking for me. This was years ago, and I had barely ever worked with Unity before. Since we used BOLT, I didn't need any C# knowledge in order to program it. Which was good, because I barely ever worked with C# before either. Polishing the artifact wasn't hard, and all it took was some relearning of BOLT.

• What did you learn as you were creating it and improving it?
This was my first real game that I had ever made in Unity. So it was a huge learning experience for me a few years ago. I spent a whole weekend solely working on it, and it was challenging, but very rewarding. I learned so much about the fundamentals of Unity when I first worked on it, and upon improving it, I re-learned some things about BOLT.

• What challenges did you face?
Going back into BOLT visual scripting after 3 years took some getting used to. I spent a while trying to figure out which functions did what.

• How did you incorporate feedback as you made changes to the artifact?
I didn't get much feedback from outside sources. But I let some friends play my game, and I noticed none of them could get past a certain boss level. I tried as well, but I failed, because the online version made one of the bosses impossible to kill.

• How was the artifact improved?
At first, the online version of this game was impossible. This was due to how certain bosses moved according to the framerate. Bosses now have better indicators to show when they are vulnerable.
Reflection #2: Tank Battle

• How would you describe the process of creating and polishing the artifact?
Creating this game was a lot of fun. I really enjoyed coming up with the enemy types and levels. I made everything from scratch in this one. (besides the models.) It was my first real project where I used C# instead of a visual scripting language. When I started to polish the game, all I had to do was pay attention to some bugs, fix the lighting, and improve the enemy AI.

• What did you learn as you were creating it and improving it?
This game taught me a lot about functions in general. I didn't learn much while improving it.

• What challenges did you face?
Certain bugs were niche and hard to reproduce. A few of them were caused by frame rate drops, so if my computer wasn't doing as bad, it was hard for me to pinpoint the cause.

• How did you incorporate feedback as you made changes to the artifact?
I didn't get much feedback. But from my own experiences I fixed the things that were broken, and improved the things that felt incomplete.

• How was the artifact improved?
1. Fixed the lighting on certain levels.
2. Fixed the minimap not appearing.
3. Improved enemy AI, they predict where the player will go.
4. Fixed bugs caused by low framerate. Moving platforms used to randomly get stuck.
Reflection #3: Metal Detector

• How would you describe the process of creating and polishing the artifact?
Creating the artifact was a period where I would think of what I would want functions to do, and then spend hours trying to figure out how to replicate it inside of Unreal Engine blueprints. Polishing the artifact wasn't as hard, since all I wanted to improve were the visuals.

• What did you learn as you were creating it and improving it?
While I was creating it, I learned a lot about Unreal Engine. I was never a fan of it before, but now I don't think its so bad. I learned how to rapidly prototype games, and from now on I make sure the core mechanics are in place before I start anything else.

• What challenges did you face?
I got stuck on the programming a few times. Thinking of what you want the game to do is easy, but translating it into code is hard when you're unfamiliar with the environment.

• How did you incorporate feedback as you made changes to the artifact?
Everyone told me the game looked bland, so I gave everything materials.

• How was the artifact improved?
- Improved visuals.
Reflection #4: RPG Project

• How would you describe the process of creating and polishing the artifact?
This game is sort of a pet project for me. Every so often I work on it with grand dreams, but I always get distracted with other things in life. So having an opportunity to work on it again for a class was great. My end goal for this game is to have an 8 hour long experience with tons of endings. But for now, I'm working on the basics.

• What did you learn as you were creating it and improving it?
I learned a lot while I was creating this game. Most notably, Scriptable Objects. Which are very useful for storing information on things like Enemies, Items, and more. I didn't learn anything new while improving it. I just had to relearn old things I forgot.

• What challenges did you face?
It's been over a year since I worked on this game, so the hardest part of improving it was learning how my old code worked.

• How did you incorporate feedback as you made changes to the artifact?
I haven't gotten much of any feedback on this game. So I just had to go off of my own ideas.

• How was the artifact improved?
1. Added a rudimentary battle system that checks enemy types and displays the proper sprite.
2. Fixed a duplication glitch in the player's inventory.
3. Fixed items being equipped to slots they shouldn't be. EG: Sword in the Armor slot.
Ethem Ficici - Game Designer Portfolio 2022

Ethem Ficici - Game Designer Portfolio 2022
