Profiel van Love Kiang

EOSY Gourmet Food Packaging Design

EOSY Gourmet Food Packaging

复古的包装设计对应着产品传统的制作手法,粗体标题 & 干净利落商品照,在简细的线条对比下,第一眼就直入消费者的眼帘。

To embody the traditional production of EOSY Gourmet Food, retro packaging design is chosen by the clients. Bold titles with direct product photos attract customers at the first glance. 

Using EOSY's primary colour (orange) with different background colours can maintain a unified visual effect even if there are various product lines. The saturated colour reflects the strong taste of sambal, which is more visually weighty! 
Brand : EOSY Gourmet Food
Art Direct : YeeYn
Design : Love Kiang
2022 © Eyinteresting Design. All rights reserved.
EOSY Gourmet Food Packaging Design


EOSY Gourmet Food Packaging Design
