Amuso Duro's profile

Luminaria Display. L'Artigiano in Fiera. Rho, Milano.

We don’t like artificial light very much. The excess of artificial light over the territory has transformed the night-time landscape into a confused, widespread and sometimes dazzling brightness. For our tastes it is the one we favour less, precisely because of the nightlife and confusion… but a fair market with about thousand of exhibitors, food excellence, food and wine, handicrafts and gift ideas, is a different thing. We chose the light, it has been employed for distinguishing between different products and different producers.
Project design, drawing design for Luminaria (illuminations) display for Extra Virgin Olive Oil Bottles. Study and Graphic design for La Montalbanese Farm. Puglia, Italy.

ARTIGIANO in FIERA, Fair Market. 3-11 December. Milano. Italy.
Luminaria Display. L'Artigiano in Fiera. Rho, Milano.

Luminaria Display. L'Artigiano in Fiera. Rho, Milano.
