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How to properly clean cutting boards

How to properly clean cutting boards


Here are a few quick and easy techniques to maintain the cleanliness of your bamboo cutting board:

Following each use:

Clean your cutting board by washing it in hot water and dish soap. After that, apply a mixture of 1 tablespoon of unscented bleach and 1 gallon of water to the board's surface and let it sit for a few minutes. After a thorough rinsing, pat the board dry with paper towels or let it air dry.

For smells:

If your cutting board has been cleaned but you can still smell the odor from your previous use, wipe the surface with a solution of lemon juice and salt to remove the aromas.

In order to prolong life:

Oil your cutting board with mineral oil once a month for low use and once a week for heavier use to extend its lifespan.

The following activities are never advised when using a bamboo cutting board:
Put dishes in the dishwasher; soak in liquids;

Liquids should not be left on your board for an extended period of time. Microwave


Here are some quick and simple cleaning tips for wooden cutting boards:


Periodically scrape your wooden boards with a mixture comprised of 1 tablespoon each of salt, baking soda, and water. After cleaning bamboo cutting board, give it a good hot water rinse.

Per couple weeks:

The board should be covered with coarse salt, rubbed with a lemon slice, and thoroughly rinsed with hot water.

For routine usage:

Your boards should be washed with with mild soap, rinsed with hot water, and dried upright.

Regarding butcher blocks:

The direction of the wood grain should be followed while applying a tiny amount of mineral oil or beeswax once a month. If you don't have either of these, you can also use pure tung oil, walnut oil, or almond oil as substitutes. Reapply the oil until the board stops absorbing it, then wipe off any extra and let the board dry overnight.


Eliminating bacteria

Cutting boards can be cleaned of all bacteria by rubbing them with the cut side of a lemon and then heating them in the microwave.

Two other techniques are:

After 60 seconds on each side of the board in the water and bleach mixture, wash the board with hot, soapy water.

Spray your cutting board with vinegar, followed by hydrogen peroxide, from two separate spray bottles. Rinse with hot, soapy water afterward.

Following each use:

Put your board in the dishwasher or wash it in hot, soapy water.


Following each use:

In a spray bottle, combine 2 cups of warm water, 1 cup of distilled white vinegar, and 2 teaspoons of liquid dish detergent by pouring them all in, covering the bottle, and shaking it vigorously. Spray this substance straight onto the board's surface, give it a moment to sit, and then wipe it away with a damp sponge.
How to properly clean cutting boards

How to properly clean cutting boards


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