Jakub Bujak さんのプロファイル

Image Costume Space - Jakub Bujak

The series of ten diploma works is entitled: "Image - Costume - Space". Its main assumption is to present sadness, loneliness, suffering and alienation in the environment of existence. Bringing out the feeling that accompanies a person's life during situations in which he is on his own. Confrontation with the reality he faces. With a situation to which, although he was used to, deep down he felt that something was wrong.

On the content of the images. It relates directly to my experiences and people I know well. No less the main creative source of the depicted world is my imagination, thoughts and feelings. Real life situations serve as loose inspirations from which I can draw, not necessarily as a biography, documentation or one-to-one chronicle. It is important for me to be able to process and remix reality in accordance with my artistic vision. I think that this vision and the desire to create something to which I will give and at the same time in which I will find an element of myself is the overriding goal for me.
Oil on canvas
Jakub Bujak
"Stay safe"
Oil on canvas
Jakub Bujak
Oil on canvas
Jakub Bujak
"In a showcase reflection"
Oil on canvas
Jakub Bujak
"Mourners' lament"
Oil on canvas
Jakub Bujak
Oil on canvas
Jakub Bujak
Oil on canvas
Jakub Bujak
Oil on canvas
Jakub Bujak
"Women in ultramarine"
Oil on canvas
Jakub Bujak
Oil on canvas
Jakub Bujak
email: bujakjakub.art@gmail.com
instagram: @bujakjakub_
Image Costume Space - Jakub Bujak
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Image Costume Space - Jakub Bujak

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