We happily collaborated with Disney to create the key visual of their 2022 11.11 T-MALL campaign.

Originally started as a means of celebrating being single, 11.11 (11 November) 
has become a grand day for shoppers in China and the world and is now the equivalent of Black Friday.
All the brands involved in the main campaign, which is broadly broadcasted online and offline, have to feature a key visual in the shape of the iconic T-MALL cathead.

This year Disney wanted to showcase Nick & Judy from Zootopia, as the Disneyland Park in Shanghai was building a world premiere Zootopia-themed part, to open in 2023.

Tundratown is the icy easternmost district of Zootopia, characterized by its snowy landscapes. 

After melting the Jumbo-pop in Sahara Square, Nick Wilde and Finnick travel there, 
utilizing the cold to freeze the liquified lollies into a myriad of pawpsicles.

Glance at the different steps of the creation process from rough sketches, characters studies,  
2D illustrations, 3D modeling to the final 3D key visual.

DISNEY 11.11 Campaign


DISNEY 11.11 Campaign
