Inspired... by a Baby Teething Tool Kit sold by Amazon, this rigid box structure aims to promote sustainability through is unique repurposing features.. Not only does the box hold the tools solely before purchase, it includes waterproof straps to allow parents to store the tools when not in use. Future incorporations to further promote reuse includes a time tog to record when teeth is lost, as well as a container to store lost teeth. Essentially this box would be a keepsake and physical timeline of an infant's growth, from baby teeth to adult.  

Inspired.... by construction and the magical tooth fairy, this point-of-purchase display highlights the sustainable tool box that holds teething tools for infants eight months and older. It's playful, fun, and unique approach aims to capture the attention of parents and their infants. Ideally, it would be placed in the baby section and or the the baby toy section of a department store.  For a more narrowly targeted approach, this display would go in a baby store.
POP Display: Features 30 slots with .5 inch dividers
-Left panel displays enlarged product contents in efforts for consumer to feel teething tool material.
-Right panel includes a button for consumer to press, and is prompted with a script from the talking tooth fairy above.
Consumer Interaction Demonstration: Research found that babies and infants are attracted to items with bright colors and stand out. This display includes a large, flashy, user friendly button in efforts for infants/babies to be engaged. 
Baby's 1st Teething Tool Kit

Baby's 1st Teething Tool Kit


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