David Espinosa IDS's profile

MSE - Logo and Identity

Madrid Selected Experience es un Tour-operador MadrileƱo que tiene tres objetivos principales: creaciĆ³n, promociĆ³n y venta de experiencias procedentes de la Comunidad de Madrid.

El concepto de diseƱo estuvo basado en una amplia paleta de colores como recurso principal en nuestra identificaciĆ³n, aprovechando estos como una experiencia sensorial capaz de transmitir los servicios que ofrece la empresa.

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The images shown on this network Behance are full authorship of the design studio "David Espinosa interdiciplinary Design Studio" and are protected under all laws and regulations legal attributed to such projects or developments, therefore if they are used or published without right or permission from us the proper and legal procedures sanctions are they comfort.
Legal Team "DEIDS"

The images included in the visual mockups and renders of the pieces are images of reference for client presentation.

MSE - Logo and Identity


MSE - Logo and Identity

Madrid Selected Experience is a Tour-operator Madrid has three main objectives: creation, promotion and sales experience from Madrid. Our main m Read More
