Henkilön Sailor Studio profiiliHenkilön Teidy Nakao profiili

Sailor Studio | Calm Seas Never Made a Good Sailor

Calm Seas Never Made a Good Sailor
Sailor Studio

Every end of year, we invite a different illustrator to create an art with the current Sailor Studio team. This year we called Teidy Nakao.

In 2020, we and the whole world faced the biggest storm of our generation. The global pandemic hit the audiovisual market hard, these were dark times, but with a focused and united team we managed to get through the storm, without leaving anyone behind and we strengthened the team with incredible professionals who joined our boat.

Luccas Oliveira  •  Gustavo "GGA" Almeida  •  Gustavo Veloso  •  Gustavo Leite  •  Rafael Matheus
Leticia Cacace  •  Teidy Nakao  •  Gustavo Ramos  •  Luís Chagas

See other years
2018  |  2019  |  2020  |  2021  |  2022

Client: Sailor Studio
Illustrator: Teidy Nakao
Year: 2022

Thanks for watching!

Sailor Studio | Calm Seas Never Made a Good Sailor

Sailor Studio | Calm Seas Never Made a Good Sailor
