Book a Skin Check with Bluff Road Medical Skin Cancer Clinic in Sandringham
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in Australia, accounting for nearly 80% of all newly diagnosed cancers. The good news is that skin cancer can be treated successfully if it is caught and treated early. That’s why it’s so important to have regular skin checks at your local skin cancer clinic. Bluff Road Medical in Sandringham offers a comprehensive range of skin cancer treatments, including skin checks, biopsies and surgery.

Services Provided by Bluff Road Medical’s Skin Cancer Clinic

At Bluff Road Medical’s skin cancer clinic in Sandringham, they provide a range of services to diagnose and treat any suspected issues with your skin. These include full body mole mapping (to track changes over time), digital imaging (for lesions that are hard to see with the naked eye), and biopsy procedures (to obtain tissue samples for further testing). They also offer cryotherapy (freezing off pre-cancerous cells) and excisional surgery (removing suspicious lesions).

Why Choose Bluff Road Medical?

When you choose Bluff Road Medical for your skin check, you are choosing experienced doctors who specialize in the detection and treatment of all types of skin cancers. Their team includes highly trained GPs, dermatologists and oncologists who have extensive experience diagnosing and treating various types of cancers. All their treatments are conducted using the latest technology to ensure accuracy and comfort.  The friendly staff at Bluff Road Medical strive to make every patient experience as pleasant as possible.


If you are looking for an experienced team to provide quality care when it comes to treating your potential skin cancers, look no further than Bluff Road Medical’s Skin Cancer Clinic in Sandringham. With state-of-the-art equipment and highly trained staff, they offer a comprehensive range of services from diagnosis through to treatment. So book your next appointment at their clinic today – knowledge is power when it comes to protecting yourself from the risks of skin cancer!

Skin Cancer Checks

Skin Cancer Checks


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