Profil appartenant à brian Sutton

Brian Sutton Portfolio

Hello, my name is Brian Sutton an aspiring Graphic Designer
Adobe Illustrator Showcase
Brochure Design December 2022 for ARTT 120
This art piece is a brochure design. The concept was to create a brochure for a summertime festival in using abstract art. For the design I focused on using bright, inviting colors that would bring joy to the viewer simply from observing the imagery.
Line Art City October 2022 for GRCO 100
The art piece is a line art city. The concept was to create a small city using only shapes and lines. I decided to create the city by making four medium size buildings, one of which included a bank, a gray road, and trees on the other side of the street. To create a more lifelike city, I decided to include adding a sidewalk beside the main street, some smoke coming out from the chimneys, and the sun at the top of the page. 
Farmer's Market Flyer October 2022 for GRCO 100
This art piece is Farmer’s Market Flyer created using solely my vector art. This design was for the Charleston South Carolina Farmer’s Market held at the Historic Marlon Square Downtown. The design is supposed to be a simple red barn with two cow silhouettes on each side. The green bottom both acts as grass for the barn and a place to put the essential information about where and when to arrive at the Farmers Market. 
Vector Art Robot October 2022 for GRCO 100
This art piece is a vector art robot. The task was to create a robot using only shapes in Adobe Illustrator. I decided to create a robot that has a rectangular head, an armor breastplate body, human-like arms,  and coiled legs with sneakers. 
Adobe Photoshop Showcase
Conspiracy Newspaper January 2021 for CMST 425
This art piece is a conspiracy newspaper cover that was supposed to highlight an earth-shattering discovery. I chose the headline of the capture of a baby Loch-ness monster. Using Adobe Photoshop, I found an image of the loch-ness monster and placed it in an image of a cage. In the newspaper cover, there is also a mini headline of someone who believes they discovered alien neighbors. 
Animal Morph January 2022 for GRCO 100
This art piece is an animal morph between a bear and a hawk. This design takes a regular image of a normal bear and replaces its head with the head of a hawk. This task was accomplished by adjusting the color balancing, the brightness, and the contrast to both the hawks head and the bears body accordingly to match seamlessly with each other. 
Colorize Flower March 2022 for GRCO 100
This art piece is a colorized flower. The task was to take the original image, grayscale said image, and colorize the image’s focal point which this images case was the large flower in the center. 
Movie Poster Redesign September 2022 for GRCO 100
This art piece is a redesign of a preexisting movie poster. The movie I chose for the redesign was Spider-man Homecoming. The idea was to find a bold and visually appealing image from the movie that would act as the cover picture taking up most of the poster.  
Web Banner October 2022 for GRCO 100
This art piece is a web banner for the San Diego Zoo. The task was to create a web banner for the summertime season. I decided to use a vibrant background placing an image of their lion and giving it sunglasses as the focus of the image. I added a green tree with the words “Summer Time” as well. 
My Resume
Brian Sutton Portfolio
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Brian Sutton Portfolio

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