Visualizing a System
Kesha Upadhyay
Visualizing a system by creating a festival identity through three different forms: a festival poster, E-tickets, and a 27-events based program brochure. Each of the three pieces work together to present a cohesive system to represent the festival of Holi 2023. Using warm tones, hierarchy, and typographic elements, these projects are consistent and visually appealing package.
Project 1: Festival Poster
Established a visual identity for the first day of the festival of Holi (Holika Dahan) and applied it to a large 20” x 30” format poster with original illustrations to be displayed in public locations.

This project helped me nurture the skills necessary to develop multiple ideas that translate into design concepts, using a symbolic and representational approach. It helped me to foster awareness of the purpose of a festival, a specific target audience, and develop appropriate design solutions. It also revealed technical constraints of a strict colour palette of 5 CYMK colours. 

Being my first opportunity to work with print-oriented design, this project helped me to gain an understanding of the potential of a large format poster and to create interest while learning how to design for bilingual languages (English and Hindi). 
Project 2: Festival E-tickets
Using the same visual identity established with the Project 1: Festival poster, I created digital e-tickets for three distinct events that regularly take place during the festival of Holi. 

This project helped me to develop an understanding of how to effectively scale down a visual identity and apply it to a systematic manner to an application with significant size constraints. It provided me with the necessary restrictions to develop an awareness of an appropriateness of a solution to the intended target audiences.

By helping me gain an understanding of what information is important on an e-ticket and how hierarchy can help to effectively communicate to the user, this project exposed me to bilingual design problems as well as the design of items that require a large amount of text on a small format. 

Project 3: Festival Program
Designed a paper-based festival program that acts as an informational guide with 27 distinct events for those attending the festival of Holi and as a souvenir, long after the festival is over. 

Using the direction established in Project 1 and 2, the printed program is intended to provide attendees general information about the festival and specific descriptive information about the different events/dates/times. 

This project helped me to reinforce an understanding of how to apply a visual identity, in a systematic way to a multi-page/multi-purpose document (double-sided, bounded booklet, saddle stitched). And helped me to gain an understanding of scalability, consistency and variation when extending a system. 

This project also helped me foster an awareness of the appropriateness of the solution for the intended target audience(s) and gain an understanding of how hierarchy and bilingual language (English and Hindi) can help to effectively communicate a message.

It taught me how to develop an understanding of how to make information easily accessible and revealed technical constraints and opportunities in print-oriented design (in terms of colour, folding and finishing) while exposing me to bilingual design problems.

Visualizing a System
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Visualizing a System

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