Can A Robot Grieve?

Graduation project for RMIT SGS Bachelor of Design Studies
We get to work on any topic we cared about for 12 weeks
My project is a 60-page picture book about Grief
A robot wakes up in the night, realizing that it's creator has passed away
Deeply confused by the discordant whirring in it's metallic body
Sent on a journey as the creator's last request, perhaps the destination holds the answers
Cover pages
The Robot and companions - character designs
Environment reflects the robot's current emotions - the lifeblood of the story
The Mandala - the robot participates in an ancient ceremony of acceptance
For this project, I wanted to illustrate landscapes with a simple strong story.
A hero's journey to discover oneself across multiple environments.
Each page reflects a phase in the protagonist's path of healing.
The journey begins under freezing moonlight - the woods seemed endless
Wandering alone at first, the robot was unsure how to face its emotions.
Nothing seemed right, nothing felt right
But soon, the robot finds comfort in others - friends who remind it of positive emotions
From whom it will learn many things, and perhaps discover more to life
And ends at the sunrise, the new day clearing away all doubts and fear
It was an amazing journey for me and the robot, we both found out new things about ourselves on the way. Grief has always been a personal topic of mine, I was so stoked to do a project all about it and it's impact on young people.
Thanks for viewing the project! Full PDF of the book here
Can A Robot Grieve?


Can A Robot Grieve?


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