Profilo di Maria Leutina

'Xenophobia' Short Comic

This comic is my personal non-commercial project dedicated to those groups of people that may experience xenophobic actions and statements directed at them. It is black & white, features 16 pages (plus cover) and exists in two languages (English and Russian), though it's mostly silent. I wrote and illustrated this story in order to raise awareness of xenophobia and its different forms (not just racism and anti-semitism).
It is about all the strange things that we tend to see as harmful and dangerous (as we do not know anything about them) and decide to defend ourselves instead of learning something new.

For this project I made the story itself, then the storyboard, the illustrations, the lettering and the translation from Russian into English.

Initial and final storyboards: from sketches to the comic itself

Xenophobia is actually a broad term, meaning not only racism or anti-semitism, but also other types of discrimination. It is an expression of perceived conflict between an ingroup and an outgroup and may manifest in suspicion by the one of the other's activities, a desire to eliminate their presence, and fear of losing one's own identity. The 'groups' in question may vary due to the things that people consider strange or alien.

Want to order illustrations for your project?
Contact me!
Telegram: @fliederblume 

'Xenophobia' Short Comic


'Xenophobia' Short Comic

"Xenophobia" is a comic book that features 16 pages (plus cover), is black and white and tells a story about a person who is considered "strange" Leggi di più
