Profil appartenant à Camilo Andrés Romero Molano

Canopy Desing - Sibelius Empresarial

Canopy Design, Sibelius Empresarial
Bogota - Colombia - 2018

The project involved the creation of a fixed design awning in the shape of waves to be installed on the facade of a building between the second and third floors. I was responsible for the conceptualization, 3D design, and renderings of this project as an employee of "Diseños y Parasoles Tropicales". The company had a dedicated team in charge of performing the structural calculations and preparing the manufacturing process at their production plant. This team was commissioned to handle these tasks in order to ensure the success of the project.
The structure was the first element to be designed and installed in the project. Once the structure was in place, laser and drone measurements were used to accurately determine the shape and size of the structure. With these measurements, the pattern of the membrane that would cover the structure could be created, ensuring a perfect fit and professional finish. The assistance of a topographer was essential to carry out these measurements accurately and efficiently.
The photo shows the completed awning design, with its undulating waves of white and white vinyl elegantly draped over the structure. The intricate patterns and precise measurements of the membrane are visible, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of the building's facade. The awning provides shade and protection from the elements, creating a comfortable and inviting space for people to enjoy. Overall, the design is a stunning example of form and function seamlessly combined.
Canopy Desing - Sibelius Empresarial
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Canopy Desing - Sibelius Empresarial

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