Mercedes-Benz Genius Tour
The Genius Tour, initiated by Daimler AG, took place for the first time integrated into the IAA appearance of Mercedes-Benz. The aim of the tour was to create a second level of exhibition and interaction, especially for children and young people interested in technology. Within the tour, the participants experienced the development of an automobile: from the first draft, technical sketches, the design to the recycling of materials and the entire vehicle. The topics of sustainability, design, materials science and engineering were taught interactively. The tour could be taken freely or as a class-group tour and was almost completely booked during its duration.

The function of a fuel cell, electricity from lemons, trunk shelves made of bannanes, recycling a vehicle, an internal combustion engine made of papier-mâché or a design material configurator are some of the stations developed.

All the exhibits produced for the tour were integrated into the Science Room of the Mercedes-Benz Museum after the premiere so that school classes and vacation groups could experience technology, design and sustainability with you in a playful way. 
Genius Tour

Genius Tour

Ein Ausstellungsparcour mit interaktiven Exponaten für Kinder und Jugendliche. Am Beispiel eines Autoleben- vom Entwurf, die Entwicklung bis zum Read More
